In article >,
> On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 23:10:39 -0500, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > A VERY fine evening!! A perfect evening out of doors. More
> > later. My First Lady is one classy woman.
> Great! You have a way with words and a gift for gab, so I'm sure you
> were the life of the party - we're proud of you, lady.
Thanks. My kids write well, too.
> > (I only got ice cream on my chest once.)
> I hope the smudge matched your gown.
Sweater. Water took care of it (deliberately, not spilled. "-)
> Hey, I wanted to ask you this morning about what you packed your wares
> in. The basket looked very nice, but my attention was drawn to the
> basket liner. It had a bandana print, but looked like tissue paper.
> What was it?
Bandana-print tissue paper. The Gedney jar lids have a bandana print.
-Barb, <http://www.jamlady.eboard.com> 6/6/05 Sam I Am!
June 25, 1945: Me and Carly Simon. I wonder if she makes jam.
(It's not too early to shop -- good chocolate and cheap gin.
Or is it cheap chocolate and good gin? I never
remember. No jam--coal to Newcastle and all that. "-)