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F.G. Whitfurrows
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TT wrote:
> Speaking of 4 lb briskets, I am envious of the people who have been
> debating Walmart vs local butchers when here in the DC area we have
> (AFIK) no good sources of packer cut briskets at reasonable prices.
> Sometimes I can snag 7lb'er but that is the exception and more often
> than not briskets in this area are trimmed to the point of having no
> visible fat cap. $3-$4/lb is the norm.

At those sizes and those prices I say to hell with brisket. I'd be eatin'
butts and spares and never eating brisket. But thats just me.

Poor fella. I feel for ya. Stuff gets spendy here too. I haven't cooked a
brisket in a long long time.

The Honorable Reverend
Fosco Gamgee Whitfurrows
and his 6" boner

--Weddings performed for a nominal fee.
--Beer accepted in lieu of cash payment.