Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >, George
> Shirley > wrote:
>>Yesterday, at the senior lady's request, I put up 7 pints of bread and
>>butter pickles for her. The dawg and I don't eat the nasty things, for
>>one reason, I'm allergic to turmeric. Good excuse isn't it. Cukes were
>>out of our lady's garden as were the nice red onions that I mixed up
>>with the cukes. Recipe was straight out of Ball Blue Book, and I just
>>bought the 2003 version of that too, but left out the ginger and put in
>>extra pickling spices. Hey! That's what the boss lady wanted so that's
>>what she got.
>>Also yesterday we picked up the new all stainless gas grill Miz Anne got
>>me for Father's Day.
> Happy Father's Day, you old goat. Doesn't Miz Anne like my B&B?
> <pouting> What the heck kind of pickle recipe has ginger,
She sure ate up the ones you sent us a good while back but didn't like
the ones I made from your recipe. I probably didn't hold my mouth just
right while I made them or something. She's picky about pickles but will
still eat pickled okra. Yuchh!
Ball Blue Book B&B pickles that's what the heck kind. Don't ask me, I
don't eat them.
> fercryinoutloud! We're going to see the BRG -- she got a new car.
> Saints Preserve Us! "I take my babies for a ride. If they fit*, they
> can't go. They haveta stay onna porch."
> *Fit - throw a fit; be naughty.
Four year old across the street got a Barbie jeep, one of those battery
driven ones that two little kids can fit in. Drives just like her
mother, had to pull her out of the ditch twice so she comes across and
drives in my yard, I don't have a ditch. <VBG>Nice parents, really nice
only child but a wild driver. My daughter, who has grandchildren of her
own now, when told to behave herself when small would say, "I beg your
pardon, this IS my best behavior, I'm only a small child." I finally
found out my older sister taught her to say that. Really amazed me the
first time she said it. All I could do was stand there with my jaw
hanging down. Thankfully her eldest granddaughter, my eldest greatgrand,
is hell on wheels so there is such a thing as poetic justice.
I don't think that any of my 13 descendants will be here tomorrow but
I'm expecting lots of phone calls. Well, maybe my eldest granddaughter
will stop by on her way home from visiting friends in Florida. I know
she will stop if she needs to borrow a bathroom, or a bed, or is hungry.
So I put fresh linens on the guest bed, barbecued a brisket on the new
grill today, and made potato salad and baked beans covered with bacon.
All of Megan's favorites but I never spoiled her, I swear.