Your favorites for ground beef...
Shepherd's pie. The ultimate comfort food. I like to mix in lots of
veggies with the meat, but some people make it with just seasoned grond beef
sauteed with onions.Stuffed peppers are also a good winter comfort food.
Then there's picadillo, and the old standby pasta/tomato sauce/beef /cheese
You can find lots of recipes for all of these items online.
"Helen C." > wrote in message
> I recently got a good buy on ground beef... locally ground, 90% lean in
> individually frozen 1 lb pkgs (not vacuumed packed but close to it).
> Thats a great buy for where I live so ended up with about 60 lbs.
> We don't do a lot of ground beef but when we do it is usually for:
> fast tacos, enchiladas and burritos
> spaghetti
> Irish potatoes (baked potatoes with a topping of seasoned ground
> beef/onions with a topping of shredded cheese, bacon, sour cream and
> green onions).
> Hamburgers with bacon and avocado topper which isn't very often
> What do you usually make when you have hamburger on hand? I'd really be
> interested in knowing and would sincerely appreciate your input.
> The same meat market has their bulk sausage (5 kinds) on sale right now
> for the same price and packaging.... would like to get some of that also
> before they run out.
> Thanks much, Helen