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  #5 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Thanks again for the tip about the shop and the weather. My colleague
is moving to Melbourne - I have no idea how's the weather is like over
there. Yes it's really getting into the Wimbledon season - few weeks
ago I saw a lady in her 50s, white hair tied up in a bun, white blouse,
flowery skirt and sandals, and I know the British summer has finally
arrived!! No idea why but whenever I see women dressed like that I
think of Wimbledon. I live in Aberdeen, Scotland - for us 18 deg C is
warm! Last year I remember looking at the weather map of UK,
everywhere else is blazing at 35 deg C but Aberdeen remains 20 deg C.
The days have been shifting getting longer and longer and I can't sleep
properly becoz the birds are chirping all day long...