Thread: Viva Lost Wages
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Edwin Pawlowski
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Default rest. rec's? Viva Lost Wages

Lululemon wrote:
> Does anyone have any more resteraunt rec's? I'll be there in a month
> and would like to go somewhere fun before our Cirque du Soleil show. I
> heard PF Chang's is fun and good. (We'll be in the Aladdin anyway) We
> won't wanna spend $45 on a plate of food + drinks + dessert.

Aladdin has one of the best buffets. There are plenty of off the strip
restaurants also. I happen to like Sergio's for Italian, but it is in the
opposite direction of where you are headed.

Every casino has a reasonably priced buffet, a higher price "sit down"
restaurant, and a top scale one or two. I've never h ad a bad meal at any
of them. Let your wallet be your guide.