> wrote in message
>I think the next star is going to be the
> african american heavy set man. He has a great personality, and puts on
> a good program. The two guys that work together are good too. After that
> the Caribbean girl would do a good program too. Harmony was just abit
> to sixties for todays show.
> And the one with the bandaged finger should go back to acting school for
> afew lessons.
> Its all a tough.....but the heavy set black Negro will top out.
> Master chef Charles
> Gilead Lake Kitchens
Umm...No he won't. He was eliminated. I'm hoping for Hans, or maybe Dan &
Steve, which would be a funny show. Anyone but Susannah. (The bandaged one.)
She annoys the living daylights out of me. Not sure why, exactly, except
that she is one note, and strikes me as extremely phony. Also, they have
enough "diet" shows already.