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  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Most people don't even realize that GongFuCha is the only way to
actually all the health benefits of tea they so highly value (most
brewing destroys these things or never makes them available even when
you start with a good tea).

Could you tell please where you had the information that gong fu tea is
the only way to benefit the health value of tea. I only brew gong fu
tea so i am very interested in this information.

If you buy one of my pots I send you a cake of good quality "green"
Menghai Puer that is suitable for investment. That means that if
properly stored it will be worth 200-400 dollars (at current American
market prices) in 2-4 years. If you can keep from drinking it that
long. It will be pretty good tea in a year or two.

By meng Hai pu erh do you mean a pu erh from one of the meng hai area
factories or a "meng hai tea factory pu erh"? There is absolutely no
way that a green pu erh, 5 years old would be between 200 and 400 usd.
Even a Meng Hai tea Factory pu erh.

By the way. Factory teapots are all industrial grade clay (thats
right, there is more than one grade of yixing clay and many varieties
of both grades)

This is interesting to me because our friend from Yixing who is a
accredited master potter said he would find a hard time to explain us
the different grade of clay. If you know how to set the grade per types
of clay, could you let us know about them? I think everybody will like
to read about that here. The only thing that i understood about clay
grading so far, is that, you do need to bite it LOL