On 20 Jun 2005 16:25:16 -0700, "Space Cowboy" >
>Here is a search string for Guang Yun Gong on TaoBao:
Jim that is no more reliable than doing a search on Ebay, you have to
take the results with a grain of salt, it is NOT a true representation
of the actual market. Once again, NO serious collector would buy an
aged cake site unseen, these guys are catering to the uninitiated! I
would not buy antique puerh from this site any more than I would buy
Swarovski crystal from Ebay.
>As of this post you will see 70's Guang Yun Gong for $20. You will see
>a tong like bundle from 1980 for $110. What was your 60's price again,
>something like $800. You pay alot for those blemishes. I'll stick
>with fair market value and you buy from the collectors. If every
>potential serious buyer wants a sample then eventually there is nothing
>to sell. I think the wine analogy is essentially false because it is
>ultimately consumed. The bottle and cork might be worth something.
>One on my collection genres extends to the 1900s. Thank goodness you
>can't eat or drink it. I can tell you haven't done any serious
>collecting except paying too much for your tea. You're on the outside
>looking in. High prices are simply for the gullible. No serious
>collector will tell you what he paid for anything. You'll never get
>your money back if you buy at auction. For insurance purposes I'm much
>further ahead if my house burns down.
Once again you resort to unsubstantiated jabs, innuendo, and insults
rather than debating actual conditions. The only reason I even bother
responding to you anymore is because you are spreading misinformation.
I rest my case on the facts and my reputation.
Mike Petro
"In this work, when it shall be found that much is omitted, let it not be forgotten that much likewise is performed."
Samuel Johnson, 1775, upon finishing his dictionary.