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Gonorio Dineri
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Mac > wrote in news
> On Sun, 19 Jun 2005 22:54:33 +0000, ellen wickberg wrote:
>> Mac wrote:
>>> On Sun, 12 Jun 2005 21:10:40 -0700, billb wrote:

> [snip]
>>> Personally, I don't think that drying out stops the bread from rising.
>>> The force of the rising bread will just crack the dry shell and give an
>>> odd-shaped loaf. This has happened to me quite a few times, and I have
>>> tried a couple of different things to keep it from drying out, such as
>>> oiling the top, applying wet paper towels, and applying saran wrap. The
>>> saran wrap works, but as the bread rises, the saran wrap gets tight, so
>>> it has to be periodically peeled off and replaced. Maybe the best thing
>>> would be to just spray the loaf with a spray bottle every little while.

> [snip]
>> just tying the proofing loaf ( in its container) up in a grocery store
>> plastic bag works well for me, in or out of the fridge. Ellen

> I may try this. Usually I use a baking sheet as a "container," so I might
> have to use a pretty big bag. But that is doable.
> --Mac

Maybe the best method is to put the loaf board into a large styrofoam
cooler, available at Wal-Mart for less than $7. You can put water or ice
in the bottom, set some small bowls in it, and set the board on top of the
bowls. Either way, the air will be moist, and you can spritz the loaves
every few hours to make sure they stay moist.