The State of the Union, Health care and more lies from the President
On Fri, 23 Jan 2004 15:01:35 -0500, Howard Berkowitz wrote:
> In article >, Glenn Jacobs
> > wrote:
> It's not that one-dimensional. Street violence and auto accidents do
> contribute to the after-15 death load. While I freely admit there are
> crazier drivers in other countries -- I made the mistake of keeping my
> eyes open in a Paris taxicab, and now know that if I ever get to Rome,
> I'm bringing a blindfold for traffic -- the availability of cars is much
> greater.
> Some of the countries you cite have more genetically homogeneous
> populations, and may be better adapted to their diet.
> That being said, I don't find huge problems with US healthcare once you
> get it -- it's the access to it that's a nightmare. That difficulty in
> access, admittedly coupled with some cultural factors, also interferes
> with preventive and maintenance medicine. Less quantifiable are the
> stress factors, but it is interesting to compare the increasing work
> week and reduced vacations of American white collar workers with
> European practice.
Yes, If you get to Rome do take a blindfold, I once made the mistake of
telling a taxi driver in Rome that I was in a hurry, he didn't even slow
for red light.
I agree that if you can get the health care it is fairly good. The problem
is the lack of Universal access and the high cost.