How's This Substitute for Heavy Cream
>Pan Ohco wrties:
>"Loki" wrote:
>>Alan Moorman says:
>>> And, translated, one interpretation of "hoist on one's own petard" is:
>>> "Embarrassed by one's own fart."
>>> (Yes, yes, I know it originally had to do with sitting on one's
>>> scabbard (sp?)......)
>>Actually, it was to do with blowing oneself up with one's own
>>explosive. An 'own goal' so to speak. = "destroyed by one's own
>>machinations, framed for the destruction of others"
>Actually <U>your</U> both right.
Actually? So, *you're* the quibble referee. hehe
---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."