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Samartha Deva
Posts: n/a

Jens Richter wrote:
> Hi Dick!
> On Mon, 20 Jun 2005 14:11:35 +0000, Dick Adams wrote:
>>Salt does slow the rise, and quite much. Doubtful that nOObie
>>loaves rise much, if at all, so how would they know?

> I'm a n00bie and I know nothing. But I always put the salt (1 TSP per kilo
> flour) into the flour mixture (400g of rye flour/600g of strong white
> bread flour) before I add 1 mug of sourdough/1 mug of tsp honey in warm
> water and a 1/4 tsp of (German) bread spice

Do you know what's in it?

> into it, and leave it
> overnight. I wonder why all Germans around here are crazy for my bread.
> Strange, isn't it? LOL

On a strangeness scale of 1 - 10, where 10 is highest, this runs on 0.5
by my measures. There are much stranger things but this may depend in
which skin you got stuck.

If you are in US - in most places, Germans are suffering from lack of
decent bread. And the majority of bread eaters (non-Germans) in US don't
know or want to buy decent bread. And it seems that bakers who make
decent bread can't make a living in US. Ergo - Germans keep suffering
and go crazy if decent bread smell is around.

It may have to do that everything is measured only by $$'s.

What you actually do with your mix 60/40 with sourdough and spices is
standard staple in DE: Mischbrot and from that perspective it's no
surprise at all if you know a few more bits of information.

If you are deprived of something for a longer time, this craving is
probably normal.

I make my own (German type) bread to avoid the whole frustration altogether.
