Ideas for freezable family meals?
GLAD now has cassarole size plastic containers that can be baked or microwaved,
and are re-usable. These are fantastic for giving away cassaroles because you
don't have to worry about loosing your baking dishes. They also include lids,
and are stackable in the freezer.
One of my favorite cassaroles to make is a chicken and stuffing cassarole.
I dice 4 chicken breasts into 1 inch pieces and stirfry on the stove with an
onion, and whatever herbs I have on hand. I add 2 cans of chicken broth, and
1/2 cup of quick cooking rice. Then mix that with 1 bag of herb flavored
stuffing croutons. Pour the whole mess into a cassarole pan and then top it
with a can of cream of celery and a can of cream of chicken soup-duluted with
3/4 of a can of milk. Cover with foil and bake for about 45 min. I've given
this cassarole away a few times and everyone loves it, and it freezes and
reheats very well.