Ideas for freezable family meals?
You are a friend indeed! I recently had my third child, and was thrilled to
pieces whenever anyone brought us dinner. Nobody brought us anything
freezer-worthy, it was usually stuff that we ate that night (often they
would call a few days ahead to set up a date to bring the food, so I
wouldn't have already made something). I already had a lot of stuff in the
freezer -- meatballs and meatloaf, taco meat, chili, etc. (Of course, I had
my baby the week before hurricane Isabel, so I lost a lot of that frozen
stuff anyhow!).
I liked getting things the day-of, because that meant I didn't have to think
about it the night before or even a few hours before -- just open the
fridge, pop something into the oven, and voila! Dinner. Some folks even
delivered the meal hot to the door at 6 p.m.
The nicest meals were the ones that came with a side dish -- something plain
like green beans or roasted potatoes that the kids would eat even if they
didn't like the entree -- and a dessert. Dessert is key. Something simple
like brownies or cookies, or a banana bread -- you *know* the kids will like
Another nice thing to bring would be cut up fruit or raw veggies that she
can use as a side or snack -- healthy for the kids, but often
time-consuming. I can get a basic meal on the table, but sometimes, adding
a side just takes those extra few minutes that I don't have if the baby
needs attention in the last minutes before dinner (many babies are
programmed to be fussy around dinnertime, shortly before the other adult of
the house gets home).