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Ranee Mueller
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Default Ideas for freezable family meals?

In article >, "richard
green" > wrote:

> Any ideas? Favourite recipes?

What do they normally eat? I'm thinking things like pot roast with
veggies and mashed potatoes, stew & noodles plus a salad (dressing on
the side so it doesn't sog), macaroni & cheese with some veggies and a
fruit plate, any baked pasta really, a ziplock bag of spagetti sauce and
some bread & salad, meatloaf and scalloped potatoes, chicken pot pie -
we got one that had lots of veggies in it like spinach and such which
had tons of iron, chicken rice casseroles, curries & rice, stir fry &
rice. We loved it when people brought the veggies and/or salad with the
meal. We loved it when they came in those disposable aluminum pans so
we wouldn't have to keep track of who brought which dish and return them.


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heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by man." Acts 17:24