What's up with Del Monte?
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What's up with Del Monte?
> My biggest gripe about Delmonte is from an investor's point of view.
> A little over a year ago, I became owner of a few common shares of
> Delmonte stock. These shares came into my posession when Delmonte
> was bought out by Heinz. The stock went down in value shortly after
> my brokerage account received the stock and its stagnated ever since.
> I would sell my Delmonte shares, but it would cost me almost as much
> to sell the shares as they are worth so I just hold onto them figuring
> that they might eventually go up in value, but I am not holding my breath.
> I guess this means I might have a pro-Delmonte bias. Oh well. Such is life.
DLM? It's currently trading near its 52 week high at about 10.7, up about
50% in the past year; down from the all-time high of about 16 back in 1999.
If you have more than 2 shares, you should at least get enough money
after commission it to buy some good beer. That's a lot better than some
of my losers from 1999. I had to actually pay to get rid of my Worldcom
stock so I could write off the loss.
I own *Fresh* Del Monte stock (FDP); growers of those great yellow
pineapples. FDP hasn't done much either (but it's set up nice for a
possible short squeeze), but it pays a good dividend and I like the pineapples.
Best regards,
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