Sounds like you need to join the Democrats, you must be one of them.
In article >, Ernest
> wrote:
> Let me guess?????????? You are a diaper head sand******?? Right?
> Ernest
> "Awake" > wrote in message
> ...
> > I have had more than enough of this big lie. I suppose
> > the shit hit the fan with the announced publishing of the
> > reputed thoughts of "Al Qaeda", a fictionalized organization
> > created by the CIA through their control of Western media.
> >
> > When the neo-CONS invaded Iraq they needed to show
> > results and that meant capturing the Iraqi leadership, and
> > that is what they did with the killing of Saddam Hussein's
> > sons and the capture of the man himself, pulling him from
> > a small hole in the ground.
> >
> > Yet here we are three and one half years after 9-11 and not
> > a sign of Osama Bin Laden or his right hand man Ayman
> > al-Zawahri. Naturally I mean there is not a sign of either of
> > them being captured; the two of them are a constant presence
> > in the "news".
> >
> > Not only are these two more elusive than Aladdin's lamp, but
> > their reputed "Al Qaeda" associate in Iraq -Abu Musab
> > al-Zarqawi- continues to issue edicts and threats (or so the
> > CIA claims through the Western media) with the same $25mil
> > bounty on his head as the Hussein's had to contend with in
> > what proved a losing battle.
> >
> > How is it that these three "Al Qaeda" leaders succeed where
> > the Hussein's so easily -and quickly- succumbed? Who else
> > on this planet defies the all mighty Pentagon/CIA monster led
> > by the Israelis and continues to breathe air among the living
> > and roam free?
> >
> > Really now, let us genuflect upon the differences. The Hussein's
> > literally tried to hide the very fact that they were alive. For a long
> > time we were treated to rumors that Saddam might have been
> > blown up right in the beginning, yet his sons were killed and
> > Saddam was extracted from a hole in the ground in the middle of
> > nowhere in less than one third the time in which the Al Qaeda
> > brothers have been staring on international television.
> >
> > "Carlos the Jackal" was for decades the most famous and wanted
> > terrorist in the world. For decades we not only did not know what
> > he looked like but we did not know his real name. Even today after
> > Ilich Ramirez Sanchez has been tried in France and sentenced to
> > life, and had appeals heard in public most people in the FBI and
> > CIA could not pick him out of a lineup without preparation.
> >
> > On the other hand, the three amigos of "Al Qaeda" command a
> > larger platform than Al Jazeera, but remain eternally elusive while
> > this extraordinary state of being goes largely uncommented upon
> > by any major figures in the Western "press". You would think that
> > by now the heads of literally dozens of agencies in branches of the
> > military and Intelligence would have come off for their failure to find
> > these "elusive" creatures who seem to hold court at will for an
> > international audience every week, yet I cannot think of one dismissal
> > for that reason nor cite one major newspaper or TV network calling
> > for such action.
> >
> > The whole thing bears an eerie likeness to George Orwell's "1984"
> > where the population is daily bombarded with supposed edicts and
> > threats from the fictionalized Emmanuel Goldstein.
> >
> > In "1984" the population is all consumed by the unspoken "doublethink"
> > message that Emmanuel Goldstein was an unconquerable enemy who
> > the empire nonetheless was daily scoring wins against, not unlike the
> > seemingly unstoppable "Al Qaeda" who -nonetheless we are told- are
> > losing their battle against us.
> >
> > And has any of us ever heard from one of these "senior leaders" in
> > "Al Qaeda"?
> >
> > No.
> >
> > No one ever goes on trial, and indeed we are told that none of them
> > will ever be put on trial. Secret military tribunals yes, public trials
> no.
> >
> > So what and who do we have for confirmation that "Al Qaeda"
> > actually exists?
> >
> > Why "CIA confirmations" through the Western media of course! CIA
> > confirmations which are then unthinkingly circulated through the non-
> > Western media which causes these poor, desperate Arab and Muslim
> > groups to believe that such an entity as "Al Qaeda" really exists, and
> > so they pledge their group (or cell) allegiance to a supposed
> "underground"
> > terrorist group and leadership which has an international platform from
> > which to speak at will, and the Western media always "forget" to mention
> > the name of the local group and simply tell us they are "members of Al
> Qaeda".
> >
> > Amazing.
> >
> > How much longer until Osama Bin Laden appears on a box of Wheaties?
> >
> > If Johnny Carson were still with us and hosting the Tonight Show I
> wouldn't
> > be surprised to see Osama Bin Laden turn up as a guest host.
> >
> > "Live from somewhere else on planet Earth, heerrrrrre's Osama!"
> >
> > If Hollywood concocted such a movie it would be laughed at ("Robocop"
> > was funny at one time), yet this big lie continues to circulate
> unquestioned
> > week after week for at least three and one half years now, during which
> > time the three amigos of "Al Qaeda" have made more appearances on my
> > TV than have Jim Carrey, Robin Williams and Adam Sandler.
> >
> >
> > How much more of this insanity, how many more dead bodies in Iraq,
> > before we all summon the courage to say loudly and forcefully that the
> > emperor has no clothes?
> >
> > How much longer before that treasonous piece of garbage James Kallstrom
> > is hauled before the TV cameras and an explanation for Building 7 is
> > demanded of him? When does his trial for treason begin? There
> > was more than enough evidence to try Kallstrom before 9-11.
> >
> > Then there is the massive problem of "Homeland Security". This is not to
> > "protect the American people", it is to protect the rich and treasonous
> > _from_ the righteous rage of the American people whose jobs and futures
> > have been exported to the third world.
> >
> > These are the same people who have propped up a criminal regime in
> > Columbia for four decades and are actively trying to overthrow Hugo Chavez
> > in Venezuela, even though President Chavez has been honestly elected to
> > the Presidency of Venezuela more times -just in the last few years!- than
> the
> > entire Bush family over the last sixty years.
> >
> > These are the people who imported 50 million people into America who we
> > do not need here. These are the people who deindustrialized our nation.
> > These are the people who bombed us on 9-11. These are the people who
> > created the fictional "Al Qaeda". These are the people who created
> > "Homeland Security" to go to war with us because the scum fully understand
> > what they have done and realize their "panic rooms" will not save them.
> > These are the people who read the Bill of Rights and Declaration of
> Independence
> > as subversive documents.
> >
> > You think everything is OK and the media are not "on the team"?
> >
> > Then where is Jose Padilla?
> >
> > They told you that the Supreme Court said his detention was illegal and
> thus
> > our freedom preserved, but Jose Padilla is still locked up without
> charges,
> > just as he was before they told us this big lie. The Fourth, Fifth and
> Sixth
> > Amendments to the Constitution are no longer in effect, not as long as
> > Jose Padilla remains caged.
> >
> > And caged is the best that you can hope for in the future unless this
> thing
> > is stopped now. They are locking down the nation within even as the
> > Mexican border remains wide open, so easily penetrable that a huge
> > dirty bomb could be trucked across that border and delivered to any
> > American city.
> >
> > And they claim they are trying to protect us.
> >
> >
> > - - - - -
> > "What opinions the masses hold, or do not hold, is looked on as a matter
> of
> > indifference. They can be granted intellectual liberty because they have
> no
> > intellect. In a Party member, on the other hand, not even the smallest
> deviation
> > of opinion on the most unimportant subject can be tolerated." - George
> Orwell, "1984"
> >
> >
> >
> >