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I have the Great Outdoors vertical, charcoal model which I believe is about
the same dimensions as their gas model. I have since moved on to a more
substantial smoker. Looking back now with the experience of using a
"quality" smoker I would say that the Great Outdoors is a very capable unit.
There were times when I had to wrap it in a blanket to keep the temp up but
it had plenty of room for meat and did an excellent job of smoking. I would
recommend either the charcoal or gas model. I almost bought their stainless
gas model at Costco for $200 but found a used Brinkman Stillwater instead.
I couldn't be happier with the Stillwater. With the thin walled smokers,
you are always going to have some temperature control problems in windy or
cooler conditions. I was impressed with the build quality of the Great
Outdoors for the $99 price. When you move on to your next smoker you can
use it for cool smoking fish and jerky.
"Grizzly" > wrote in message
> At the moment, I don't want to spend more than about $100, give or
> take on a smoker. Yeah, I realize that I'm gonna be getting a bottom
> of the line model and I fully intend to upgrade at some point but
> "some point" could mean a year or two, and in the meantime, I still
> want barbecue! :-)
> So, given that, I'm looking at two options: the "Great Outdoors Grill
> Co. Smoky Mountain Gas Smoker" from WalMart or the "CharBroil Electric
> Smoker". I've played with my dad's Char-Broil and while it imparts a
> nice smokey taste to the food, I've never (in his attempts or mine)
> seen it give a really good smoke-ring or seems to make food
> taste smokey but not really "smoke" the food if you know what I mean.
> I don't know if this is a flaw in the unit or the cooks! (or both!)
> Is there any advantage to gas over electric or vice-versa? Any
> recommendations? Compare/contrasts between the two units? Alternate
> units that are gas or electric (I don't want wood/charcoal yet) and
> around $100.00 or so?
> Thanks in advance!
> Steve