Ideas for freezable family meals?
richard green > wrote:
> Hello there,
> A friend has just had her fourth baby, last week, and is buckling a bit
> under the strain. I want to help out by bringing around food every now and
> then, something tasty that can be portioned and frozen for easy use when
> needed. She's a bit of a foodie, so nothing too bland, but something kids
> under the age of five will consider eating.
> Any ideas? Favourite recipes?
That's very kind of you. There are a lot of dishes that freeze nicely.
A few that come to mind a sliced baked chicken, meatloaf, meatballs in
tomato sauce, sliced london broil, lasagna, sliced roasted turkey,
hamburgers. Lots of soups can be frozen too, but they take a heck of
a long time to thaw out.