Thread: Vegan in Turin
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"ruse" wrote:
>I wonder if anyone can help me. I'm going to Turin for a couple of
> days in a few weeks and it would be a great help if anyone could give
> me any tips/info etc on what and where to eat. Thanks for your time.

Hi ruse,
when I was there I used to eat lots of tasty "falafis" in Kebab take aways
(there are countless in Tourin). I was assured that the falafi is 100%
vegan, plus they're delicious :-P

Since we're speaking about Tourin, the Museum of cinema is not good, avoid
it, while people speak very well about the Egyptian one. If you ask me, it
was also stunning going around with my nose pointing the sky, admiring the
beatiful countless baroque buildings.

Torino is marvellous, have a nice trip!
