All kinds of nits to pick here, nothing personal to anybody
involved -
>> > I'm looking to start my own catering buisness and I'm
>> > looking for a catering software to help me figure out prices
>> > etc. Do you know of any free software?
Red flag. There's a million people running around in this world
who believe that you get yourself a computer and then figure out
a business where you can use it. What you *need* for what you
want to do is a calculator and knowlege of the catering business.
OK, an Excel spreadsheet would help you plug in the numbers and
save information, but unless you already know Excel, you're in for
a bit of a learning project before you can do what you envision.
(more later)
>> Just a pet peeve. I assume this won't be a charity catering
>> business so why would you expect a software developer to have
>> a charity business?
Ohhhh, you're right to a certain extent, but there are probably
still a zillion free, downloadable, specialized "databases" that
are built by Visual Basic students/developers, bored Excel users,
etc. You know, things like a database to "run your dart league",
"mamage your Beanie Baby collection", etc. Maybe OP just needs
to do a little searching on twocows or cnet downloads or ???
> Excel isn't free but it's included in a lot of software
> packages.
Yes, and either you ar an Excel user or you're not. If OP was,
they would know that it's all right there, everything they need.
Set uo a sheet for every item they make that's basically an
ingredients list with cost/item/serving, some math to work in the
desired number of servings, a bottom line cost, some math to add
necessary profit margin, and there ya go - 'My stuffed mushrooms
are $33 for a tray of 50, Mrs Jones'.
Chances are pretty good that OP isn't already an Excel user.
He either needs to learn it or do all of that over and over again
every time they need to recalculate a dish,
If u are gonna say that I said something,
please say what I REALLY said. ($1 Earl)