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Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
> "p-nut" > wrote in message
>> I should have explained in original post that my dad raises turkeys
>> for Butterball.
>> These legs came from 40+lbs birds.

> That's sick. You amputated Butterball turkeys just for the legs? What are
> these birds going to do until Thanksgiving, just drag around
> the pen? Won't people miss the legs from their Butterballs?

not exactly.
This was all done during "load out" , which means that a 40+lb bird in MO
heat has heart attacks.
He usually cuts out the breast and legs for me and throws into a cooler of
The other 11,000 birds goes to the plant to become tv dinners or whatever
sliced up.
Butterball only sells about 25lb birds whole.

These 40 pounders are very hard to deep fry in your normal fry pots.
You have to buy special ones.
But they taste just as good and feed that many more people.