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Carol asked:

> We twirled the cooked pasta by holding the tines of our forks against a
> soup spoon and twirling.
> I die inside, just a little, when I see someone chop their spaghetti into
> little pieces. Never could get the hang of twirling against the plate.
> How do *you* get 'sketti from the plate to your mouth?

I twirl against the plate. This generally results in a ball of pasta
roughly the size of a tennis ball stuck on the end of the fork. I swish the
ball around in the sauce, then elegantly [HA!] bite pieces off the end of
the fork.

The trick to twirling against the plate is to start off with the fork at
about a 45-degree angle to the plate, twirl it a few times, then slowly
bring it to a perpendicular position while twirling.
