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On Mon, 27 Jun 2005 03:50:43 GMT, "p-nut" > wrote:

>Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
>> "p-nut" > wrote in message
>>> I should have explained in original post that my dad raises turkeys
>>> for Butterball.
>>> These legs came from 40+lbs birds.

>> That's sick. You amputated Butterball turkeys just for the legs? What are
>> these birds going to do until Thanksgiving, just drag around
>> the pen? Won't people miss the legs from their Butterballs?

>not exactly.
>This was all done during "load out" , which means that a 40+lb bird in MO
>heat has heart attacks.
>He usually cuts out the breast and legs for me and throws into a cooler of
>The other 11,000 birds goes to the plant to become tv dinners or whatever
>sliced up.
>Butterball only sells about 25lb birds whole.
>These 40 pounders are very hard to deep fry in your normal fry pots.
>You have to buy special ones.
>But they taste just as good and feed that many more people.

Where is MO? Does he sell to the public? I am in Kansas City area
and am having a hard time finding a turkey without "ADDED SOLUTION".