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Damsel wrote:
> When I was a kid, we got boxes of spaghetti that were about 4 inches
> square on the ends, and around 3 feet long. The pasta inside was
> folded in half, so you were talking strands at least 5-1/2 feet long.
> One or two were all that a fork could hold.
> We twirled the cooked pasta by holding the tines of our forks against
> a soup spoon and twirling.
> I die inside, just a little, when I see someone chop their spaghetti
> into little pieces. Never could get the hang of twirling against the
> plate.
> How do *you* get 'sketti from the plate to your mouth?
> Carol

While I can't say I've ever seen packages of spaghetti such as you describe,
I must confess I break dried spaghetti noodles into 3 equal parts before I
cook them. I find extremely long strands of pasta to be unruly, even with
the help of a spoon. I prefer ziti and small penne pasta for holding a
sauce without requiring elaborate wielding of the knife, fork and spoon. Of
course, lots of freshly grated cheese on the pasta helps, too
