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Default When did oatmeal portion go from 1/3 c. to 1/2 c.?

On Sat, 24 Jan 2004 21:00:45 GMT, Bingo >

> I still have trouble with 8's and 9's in multiplication tables
> because I missed those two weeks in school.

Oh yeah... I can tell you that's not far off the mark.

My sister and I had to stay out of school for 2-3 weeks at a
time when we were sick, because we had to "recover" for a
week after we felt well.

Those were the days when penicillin was given via a huge
needle in the butt - the polio vaccine was brand new (& it
left a scar on your arm) and the Hong Kong flu was something
to beware of because there was no vaccine to date.
Tuberculosis and small pox hadn't been contained at that
point either and of course we still feared leprosy. It's
hard to believe what a short time ago it was in the whole
scheme of things!

To put it all into perspective, my grandparents were born
before automobiles were invented and died after they sent a
man to the moon.

IMO: That's REALLY witnessing progress in your lifetime!

Practice safe eating - always use condiments