"Damsel" wrote ...
> When I was a kid, we got boxes of spaghetti that were about 4 inches
> square
> on the ends, and around 3 feet long. The pasta inside was folded in half,
> so you were talking strands at least 5-1/2 feet long. One or two were all
> that a fork could hold.
> We twirled the cooked pasta by holding the tines of our forks against a
> soup spoon and twirling.
> I die inside, just a little, when I see someone chop their spaghetti into
> little pieces. Never could get the hang of twirling against the plate.
> How do *you* get 'sketti from the plate to your mouth?
> Carol
> --
> Coming at you live, from beautiful Lake Woebegon
Well, with chopsticks, of course. What's all this spoon and fork nonsense?
After all, where did the Italians get all these pasta notions?