Chuck R wrote:
> Wrong! Smoked beer is the way they make it, and they are very proud of
> it. Now skunk tasting would be like Mickey's Big Mouth that they sell
> in the States. As for keeping beer for long periods of time. I don't
> think so, it is just like soda or pop as some may refer to it. It
> does have an expiration date and after a while it will go bad. If you
> don't believe it buy something today and drink it next year. It will
> be flat.
Well, it may eventually go bad, but I've had beer in my fridge
for several years and it tasted fine. Recently however I had
some that was probably 4-5 years old and it had a nasty sediment
and didn't taste too good. Had to throw it out. It wasn't
flat, though.