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Wayne Boatwright
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On Mon 27 Jun 2005 01:51:37p, Damsel wrote in

> "Gabby" > said:
>> "Damsel" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > When I was a kid, we got boxes of spaghetti that were about 4 inches
>> > square on the ends, and around 3 feet long. The pasta inside was
>> > folded in half, so you were talking strands at least 5-1/2 feet long.
>> > One or two were all that a fork could hold.

>> I remember the spaghetti folded in half so that they looked like giant
>> U's, but no box we bought was as long as you describe -- perhaps 12" at
>> most so the spaghetti that finally made it into the pot unbroken would
>> have been at most 24" long. Your brand may well have been different.

> I started thinking after I posted. The boxes were more like 2" in
> length. Otherwise, they never would have fit in the cupboard. The boxes
> were kept in a lower cabinet, and filled it from front to back. When
> you're a kid, everything seems larger than life.

Everything? :-)

Wayne Boatwright տլ

Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day.
Sam Goldwyn, 1882-1974