Kate Connally > said:
> Damsel wrote:
> >
> > When I was a kid, we got boxes of spaghetti that were about 4 inches square
> > on the ends, and around 3 feet long. The pasta inside was folded in half,
> > so you were talking strands at least 5-1/2 feet long. One or two were all
> > that a fork could hold.
> Good grief! How did you get them into the pot to
> cook them if they were that long? Even folded in half
> they'd be too big for any pot I've ever seen.
I was in error about the length. Probably 3-1/2 feet or so when cooked.
Mom made spaghetti in a gigantic soup pot. It "melted" into the boiling
water fairly quickly.
> I've been around over 50 years and I've never come across
> spaghetti that was more than about a foot long. Even
> foot-long spaghetti is tough to get under the water all
> at once, so I can't even begin to see how people would
> manage anything longer. I suspect it was meant to be
> broken into more manageable lengths when put in the
> pot.
That's blasphemy!
Coming at you live, from beautiful Lake Woebegon