Damsel wrote:
> Joseph Littleshoes > said:
> > Damsel wrote:
> >
> > > We kids would have contests to see who could eat the biggest wad
> of
> > > spaghetti.
> >
> > Well ok, children also pick their noses and eat their 'snot' bite
> their
> > toenails and do other equaly disgusting things often involving
> > flatulence and the gag reflex (the vernacular "burp").
> Was my recollection *that* gross?
> > And metaphorically this is no differant than the "nature red in
> tooth
> > and claw" aspect of 'adult' perceptions.
> Huh?
Geo politics and its economies is just the 'picking' of the collective
The young humans are just the adults in miniature with all the same
drives and compulsions. Fear, anger, pain, suffering. And the Sysiphian
task of trying to alleviate some small part of all that. And a bag of
Joseph Littleshoes