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Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

Puester wrote:
> Bob (this one) wrote:
>> Damsel wrote:
>>> What are some foods you've discovered since becoming a grown-up? Trendy
>>> stuff doesn't count.

>> Meats? Lion, hippo, snake, llama, bear, elk, boar...
>> Seafood? Barracuda, sea urchin, shark...
>> Spices? Cinnabar and cormorant.

> Cinnamon and coriander, maybe?
> I was with you until this line, but AFAIK, cinnabar is
> mercuric sulfide and cormorant is a skinny black diving bird
> that frequents our neighborhood lake. That makes me doubt
> you have eaten either one.

I was wondering when someone would pick up on my puckish sense of humor.
Neither is edible. Oh, you can eat a cormorant is you want to eat bird
flesh that tastes like fish, but once will be more than enough. It was a
joke. Cinnabar will kill you.

But aside from those minor quibbles, I'm sure they'd both enhance any

No, seriously...
