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Michael Plant
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Ozzy1119881942.a8471145d4e6791fb1f89db8d4914bde@1u senet6/27/05

> Hi all,
> Some time ago I got a present -- 100% Organic non-pasturized cow's milk.
> (It was gotten from a farm in upstate NY, where the farmer sold his cows'
> yield retail to health enthusiasts, so it was probably as advertised.) I
> used it rather quickly, as cautioned. It was wonderful, so I used it in my
> spiced Assam, and the result improved nicely.
> Later, I was talking with an Indian immigrant about milk and tea, he said
> yes, the milk in the US may be healthier, but it is far less tasty and
> satisfying than the milk he grew up drinking, His personal favorite for
> spiced tea was Buffalo milk (the Indian domesticated buffalo, not the
> American Bison).
> I wonder if else in this group has had a pleasent experience drinking old-
> fashioned or unusual milks in their tea? (I know there are a lot of Chinese
> tea aficionados who wouldn't think of any such thing, and I respect that
> point of view. In fact since going off dairy, I have come to appreciate many
> Chinese teas that previously I didn't care for -- but sometimes still I brew
> spiced Assam in the old way, but unsweetened Soy milk is not quite the same.
> :-) )
> Ozzy


In India I drank buffalo milk in my tea as often as not, but have no stories
to tell regarding its betterness as compared to cow milk. What was
noteworthy, was the tea itself. It was a thick, dark, strong brew, repleat
with cinimin sticks, cardimum pods, clove buds -- at least I spelled clove
buds right -- and other miscellaneous spices. Strong, thick, hot, milky,
sweet with jagery, yummy. Let's here it for India. Yea!!!! Everyone wore
Dhoti (sp?) or Lunghi (sp?) depending on various factors. Nobody wore
anything western in the village except for the nearly obligatory long white
shirt, with or without collar, whose tails touched the knees, or nearly. But
from our topic we digress.


I'm drinking Xi Hu Long Jing. It still has that unmistakable roasted duck
aroma -- the aroma all you cats miss, which just goes to show the caliber of
people I'm dealing with -- and some complexity. I'm not unhappy, although
I've drunk better in better years. Let us hope those better years resurface,
though I have some doubts.

Listening to Ecuadorian Indiginous music. This is good.