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then press the fork sideways to cut surplus.

Some years ago, I dated an Italian-American woman for a while. She was
a fantastic cook as was her mother and all of her aunts. Made
unbelieveable zitis, cannolies, etc. Before I knew what a great cook
she was, I made her spagetti one night. From a bottle sauce! She was
polite about the sauce, never said a word. But when I broke the
spagetti noodles in half to cook them, she reacted as if I had broken
the back of a baby! She was horrified. I got almost as strong a
reaction when I cut it with my fork to eat it! I have learned that,
unless you want the mafia hunting you down, never cut a spagetti

Rick & Cyndi wrote:
> "Damsel" > wrote in message
> ...
> > "Bob" > said:
> >
> >> I twirl against the plate. This generally results in a ball of pasta
> >> roughly the size of a tennis ball stuck on the end of the fork. I swish
> >> the
> >> ball around in the sauce, then elegantly [HA!] bite pieces off the end of
> >> the fork.

> >
> > Please have someone film this performance, okay? I want to see this!
> >
> >> The trick to twirling against the plate is to start off with the fork at
> >> about a 45-degree angle to the plate, twirl it a few times, then slowly
> >> bring it to a perpendicular position while twirling.

> >
> > I've tried that, but I still wind up with stray strands of pasta getting
> > involved with the ones I started out with.
> >
> > Carol
> >
> > --
> > Coming at you live, from beautiful Lake Woebegon

> ==============
> Bob and I apparently learned the same way... although I must admit to
> stopping (size-wise) sooner. I wrap until it's the size of a racquet ball
> and then press the fork sideways to cut surplus. YMDV! LOL
> Cyndi