On Thu, 30 Jun 2005 11:41:18 -0400, Karen AKA Kajikit
> wrote:
>On Thu, 30 Jun 2005 14:05:23 +0000 (UTC), Mark Shaw
> wrote:
>>A crew is going to come and demolish my early-70s era kitchen
>>on the 5th, preparatory to rebuilding it from floor to ceiling.
>>I anticipate being completely without kitchen facilities for
>>the entire month of July, and probably well into August.
>>What do others who've gone through this kind of thing have to
>>offer in the way of survival tips?
>>I have a good gas grill and a propane cooker, so any prepar-
>>ation not requiring an oven is probably not an issue. I'm
>>thinking more in terms of storage and cleanup.
>Before they ripped out our kitchen for renovations, we cooked a lot of
>'freezer meals' (casseroles, lasagne, pizza) and froze them in
>individual portions. Then the freezer was moved out into the living
>room, and the microwave placed next to it for the duration. We washed
>the dishes in the laundry or bathroom, whichever one was usable at the
>time (we had a complete renovation, and for some time we didn't have
>anything at all except a toilet!) We also ate a lot of takeout food
>and sandwiches... usually a sandwich for breakfast because it was easy
>to fix before the workmen started at 7.30 or 8am, then we went to the
>mall at lunchtime to use the restrooms and we ate there, and then we
>came home in the afternoon when the workmen packed it in and had
>freezer food or takeout for dinner.
Oh, the complete renovations took about ten weeks. We ended up with a
new kitchen, laundry, bathroom, toilet, and ensuite, and they retiled
the passage to match. There was so much mess and dust and noise
involved that we didn't have the energy to cook ANYTHING, even when we
had the space! (the cabinets were sitting in the livingroom for about
a week waiting to be installed, and then the bathroom fixtures took
their place)
At the end of it it was definitely worth it though... I miss that
kitchen! lol
~Karen aka Kajikit
Crafts, cats, and chocolate - the three essentials of life