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  #132 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Wed, 29 Jun 2005 21:08:27 -0400, Bob (this one) wrote:
> It's interesting. You don't see Italians use the spoon technique until
> you get towards the south. Northerners pull a few strands out of the
> pile and twirl them on the plate onto the fork. You'll see more
> Neapolitans and Sicilians using spoons. Different understanding of
> what's "proper." One set of my grandparents were northerners; the other
> Sicilian. Meals were exhausting.

I imagine that the proper way to speak "Italian" was also discussed at
length! For instance, I read that the dialect spoken in Alghero (a
town in/on Sardinia) is actually a derivative of Catalan - which is a
language that is spoken in Spain (in the region around Barcelona).