David was their primary wine buyer. The individual store managers can
choose what they want to stock. Not that it always happens that way. A
couple years back there was an article on pre-arrivals of the 2000
Bordeaux that listed Ch. Angelus as one of the wines that would be
available. It even gave the SKU number. The wine never showed up, in
their stores or in the computer.
On Thu, 23 Jun 2005 06:55:25 -0400, gerald > wrote:
>They had 1 guy buying in 20 some od jurisdictions for 50 some odd
>On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 18:59:27 GMT, wrote:
>>The June issue of Costco Connection magazine has a small story on the
>>two wines I mentioned. It's written by David Andrew, who was Costco's
>>wine buyer until a year or so ago. (And boy, do I miss him and his
>>excellent taste. Things have gotten pretty boring in the aisles since
>>his departure.)