sf wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Jun 2005 15:09:57 +0000 (UTC), Mark Shaw wrote:
>> Personally, I think the contractor is being a little pessimistic
>> on the time estimates. But maybe that's realistic.
> It's very realistic and you'll be in for a happy surprise if he
> finishes early. Get back to us with the actual time (full
> crew/partial crew) when it's over. We're all curious.
As anyone with a whit of sense knows, if your boss (in this case the client)
asks, "When will you have this done?" you grossly overstate how much time
you'll need while assuring them all the while it's your top priority. When
you deliver it early you get kudos (and I'm not talking about the candy
bar!). If you don't... uh. Well.