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  #147 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Kevin S. Wilson > said:

> Not so fast. Goomba (if that is his real name)

Hey, Goomba! When was the sex change operation?

> would be correct except
> for one troublesome fact: linguini, ravioli, and macaroni all
> originated in Italy, while spaghetti noodles is an Americanized type
> of Italian pasta that has always been referred to as "spaghetti
> noodles."

Spaghetti has never been referred to as "spaghetti noodles" in this
household, or any other of which I've been a part.

In fact, I view (correctly or incorrectly) pasta and noodles as being two
separate things.


Coming at you live, from beautiful Lake Woebegon