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J. Davidson wrote:

> We have some of those Texas places here in NC. I have to say anything would
> beat NC barbecued pork. It comes to the table looking already chewed, and
> they expect you to pour vinegar on it.

i guess nc bbq isn't for everyone but it sure is good for me! :P their version
of a pulled pork bbq sandwich with a vinegar based sauce and some good vinegar
based slaw on the bun can really be awesome if it's done correctly. but i guess
'done correctly' could vary quite wildly. that's what's great about food. there
are so many regional / microregional variation on nearly any food... it's great!
i've been exploring my food heritige for the past few years and i'm loving it.
food culture is like any other culture. if it's not practiced, it will die.
:-( the fact that ****ing mcdonalds, taco bell or kfc could kill many rich
food traditions really makes me want to wretch. think about your grandma's food.
you just may strike gold without realizing it