"Frogleg" > wrote in message
> Latest issue of 'Cooking Light' mentions a side of baked taro chips,
> but no recipe/technique. I understand potatoes, sweet potatoes, and
> now taro can be used for baked chips. Does anyone have any experience
> doing this? I don't want a recipe so much as a technique proven by
> experience. I tried a recipe some time ago, and ended up with either
> soggy and undercooked, or burnt and sticking chips. Any hints?
I've not seen it, but am wondering if "Cook's Illustrated" might have some
techniques for you.
By the way, I've noticed Saveur magazines/yearly books in Borders. Is there
any comparison between Cooks & Illustrated that readers of both can tell me?
I've only bought the last few books of Cooks Illustrated.