Thread: low carb Asian?
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Ian Hoare
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Salut/Hi sanne,

It's obvious you're not a doctor!!

le/on 30 Jun 2005 00:42:29 -0700, tu disais/you said:-

>> My doctor said my triglycerides are way up, and so I'm making the move
>> to low-carb eating.

>I'd better suggest low-fat since triglycerides are part of any
>fat-molecule, but I'm not your doctor ...

But you know, the body is perfectly capable of synthesising triglycerides
from starches and sugars. I know, because that's my case.

>> Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Well, try using lots of stir fried vegetables instead of rice. Your body is
the one that will tell you what you need to do, but if you eat _less_ rice -
perhaps 2/3 of what you ate before, you may find that this is enough. I have
to say that since the beginning of January when I weighed 99 Kg (that's 15½
stone or 218 pounds for those still living in the dark ages for weight
measurements) I was able to lose about 10kg on a diet of almost exclusively
chinese and thai food with a few indian dishes along the way. We cooked
about 60 gms rice per person per meal instead of the 90 gms we'd done before
and ate less meat and more vegetables. With fewer desserts as well, this
weight loss was relatively fast for me, and although since the beginning of
May I've gone back to more "western" eating, I've been able to consolidate
my weight loss by never having second helpings!

But really the best way of reducing your triglycerides is to eat less and
exercise more.
All the Best
Ian Hoare
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