Cast Iron...
levelwave > wrote:
> Herself wrote:
> > I come from a family where margarine never set foot in the house.
> > Unfortunately, DS is allergic to all dairy, so butter is now out of the
> > house. So I'm stuck, really.
> Make a trip to your local Health Food Store... In the Freezer/Fridge
> section look for a product made by "Spectrum Naturals" simply called
> "Spread"... It's Dairy Free - Non-Hydrogenated - Trans Fat Free... It's
> not made for cooking (pan frying) but as a spread tastes just as good if
> not better than Margarine... You can probably find something similiar if
> they don't carry that particular brand...
I'm limited really to only one brand, Pure. No big health food stores
here (I'd kill for a Whole Foods or Wild Oats right about now).
> > But is shortening and margarine the same thing? I thought not...
> No... but they are both Hydrogenated... do a google search for
> Hydrogenation... by pumping Hydrogen into liquid fats you can make them
> solid at room temperature... This is what leads to trans-fats which
> ultimately leads to that triple by-pass... The Gov't has finally stepped
> in and started forcing food manufacturers to label the amount of
> trans-fats in their foods... It'll start appearing on labels soon...
It won't start on the labels here, but okay. :-)
'Tis Herself