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Bob (this one)
Posts: n/a

Mark Edwards wrote:

> [snip fish in a barrel, and splashing in potty]
> Mark Edwards wrote:
>>>Personally, I thought it was a clever bit of imagery, in response
>>>to the 'fish in a barrel' comment (evil grin).

> No cluons were harmed when "Bob (this one)" > wrote:
>>Way too subtle for the Wizard Kevin up there, though...
>>I apologize for trying to help him think with that comment. To no
>>avail, but miracles happen.

> Actually, KevinS is okay, regardless of what I say about him. Don't
> much care for you, though (evil grin).

I'm crushed. And after all we've meant to each other over the years. I
especially like your (evil grin) thing. It's so *deeeeep* and
instructive. Lets you actually believe that you don't sound like a
recalcitrant school child congratulating yourself on your trivial, um,
whatever it is you're doing....

> You do realize, don't you, that if you keep on humping KevinS' leg,
> you'll end up with genital warts from all the other leg-humpers? This
> is probably a good time to visit your medical / mental health
> professional.

<LOL> I'm humping his leg when we've had exactly two exchanges... And
when he initiated it with his lame, lame, lame troll. You kids ought to
hang out where the real trolls are to see how it's done. But Kevin (and
you and Otto) are strictly little league when it comes to trolling; too
transparent and too shallow - don't really know how to hit the buttons
solidly enough to get the rage going. You're all a tiny bit of fun to
poke to see what flaccidity you're going to lay out next.

I like how you congratulate each other. Anything for that flagging
self-esteem, I always say. What do you always say...?
