In ,
Bob (this one) > said:
> Mark Edwards wrote:
>> [snip fish in a barrel, and splashing in potty]
>> Mark Edwards wrote:
>>>> Personally, I thought it was a clever bit of imagery, in response
>>>> to the 'fish in a barrel' comment (evil grin).
>> No cluons were harmed when "Bob (this one)" > wrote:
>>> Way too subtle for the Wizard Kevin up there, though...
>>> I apologize for trying to help him think with that comment. To no
>>> avail, but miracles happen.
>> Actually, KevinS is okay, regardless of what I say about him. Don't
>> much care for you, though (evil grin).
> I'm crushed. And after all we've meant to each other over the years. I
> especially like your (evil grin) thing. It's so *deeeeep* and
> instructive. Lets you actually believe that you don't sound like a
> recalcitrant school child congratulating yourself on your trivial, um,
> whatever it is you're doing....
>> You do realize, don't you, that if you keep on humping KevinS' leg,
>> you'll end up with genital warts from all the other leg-humpers? This
>> is probably a good time to visit your medical / mental health
>> professional.
> <LOL> I'm humping his leg when we've had exactly two exchanges... And
> when he initiated it with his lame, lame, lame troll. You kids ought
> to hang out where the real trolls are to see how it's done. But Kevin
> (and you and Otto) are strictly little league when it comes to
> trolling; too transparent and too shallow - don't really know how to
> hit the buttons solidly enough to get the rage going. You're all a
> tiny bit of fun to poke to see what flaccidity you're going to lay
> out next.
> I like how you congratulate each other. Anything for that flagging
> self-esteem, I always say. What do you always say...?
> Pastorio