On Sat, 02 Jul 2005 18:49:35 -0500, (Ubiquitous)
>We come back from commercial break and SLop gets all excited showing us her
>ugly ribbon remnant valance. Whoot! Anyhow, back to business. She takes some
>"caramel sauce", the stuff you put onto ice cream actually, and adds liqueur
>and heats it up on the stove. I am not sure if she's trying to thicken it or
>just warming it up. Naturally, she warns us about cooking with liqueur
>when the
>stove is on. Once heated through, she dumps half into chocolate pie crust and
>informs us that we can get those ready made at the store. Really? You can buy
>those at the store? I never ever would have guessed! She takes some coffee ice
>cream from the freezer and puts it into the pie crust. Oddly enough, the ice
>cream is really soft for having just come out of the freezer. She then tells us
>we can use other flavours of ice cream besides coffee for your mud pie. I guess
>one could, but then it wouldn't be a MUD PIE if you did. Moron. Sandra quickly
>tells to skip the booze if kids are around, then adds another layer of ice
>cream to the pie. Why she doesn't just put it all into the pie at once
>mystifies me.
She sprinkled choc chips and pecan bits between layers.
> In another Sandra stupid moment, she tells us we could use
>different flavours for the layers and shares with us that her grannie liked
>butter pecan ice cream. Once again, I am compelled to yell at the TV "It's not
>a mud pie if you use different flavours, bitch!". She puts the pie in the
>freezer and pulls out another pre-made one, drizzles the rest of the hot
>caramel on top of the ice cream pie, then puts it back into the freezer to "set
>up". Yeah, hot caramel will do that to ice cream. She pulls out another pie
>that MV made and tries to slice it with a big-ass Michael Meyers knife, but
>suddenly decides to take the whole thing out when she can't cut out the slice.
The whole thing came out of the pie pan. It wasn't planned, but I'm
glad it happened, as she never would have been able to cut that pie
>Moron. After struggling to remove a slice of pie, SLop demonstrates her skill
>that got her this gig when she deep throats a slice of the pie.
Not in Sandra's defense, but that pie looked pretty good. Of course,
that could have been because NONE of it was homemade. Okay, so she
mixed the sauce together, most people would have left the booze out
and warmed up the sauce in the microwave.
I used to use choc chip mint ice cream in one of those choc pie shells
and cover the top with choc flavored cool whip. It's really good if
you want an easy, no mess ice cream pie.