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bregent wrote:
> For small cuts like
> this, is it better to keep the cooking temps on the low, or high
> side, compared with the thicker packers cut?

Big or small, keep in the 250°F range. Then monitor after a few hows
to see if its done and ready to come off the cooker. A fork test
works good.

> Next week we are going camping with a large group and we have to
> supply a meal one day for about 30 people consisting of mostly
> adults, some teens and a few small kids. How many lbs of brisket
> (uncooked) do you recommend for this size group?

Briskets generally reduce down about 35% of their uncooked weight.
Servin sizes are 1 lb for men, 1/2 lb for wimmin and kids. Do the
math, addin up the weight ya need to feed em then multiply it times
1.35. This'll give ya enough to feed the crew but probably no
left-overs. Make sure you have plenty of tater salad, baked beans and
bread to fill in the gaps. A great peach cobbler'll top off ya meal
> Also, since this will be prepared a few days in advance, what is the
> best way to store the meat after cooking? Iced down or frozen? And
> finally, what is the best way to reheat and serve? Thanks folks!

Once you've cooked it, go ahead and cut it up. Then put in 1 gallon
plastic baggies and stick it in the freezer if it's gonna be several
days. In the fridge will be okay if it's only a couple of days. To
reheat, take along a camp stove and a pot big enough to hold the
baggies. Fill the pot with water to about halfway, bring it to a slow
simmer (not boilin) and drop in the baggies. Give em 30-45 minutes to
heat up hot enough to serve.
Life is too short to be in a hurry