The Joneses wrote:
> Peter wrote:
> > Have decided to make some vanilla essence... Got a kilo of beans, chopped
> > them up and put that into about 4 litres of Vodka... Used a stab blender to
> > chop them up a bit more... Even after three days the aroma is stunning. The
> > taste strong and rich, yet the vodka kind of comes through and to my taste,
> > it needs a bit of caramalised sugar to round it... Any suggestions?
> >
> > Peter Watson
> You lucky dawg you. I made coffee liquor from _The Encyclopedia of Spices_
> coupla vanilla beans & big cup of strong espresso into a fifth size bottle
> (750ml), top off with Everclear or vodka. Shake 1 a day for a week, 1 a wk for
> a month, store sideways for six months. Just about ready - smells great,
> vanilla pods completely broken down now only sediment. And I do have a vanilla
> vine. Now to get it to just the right light (feeding okay). May get a flower in
> next decade or two. I'll wait, I'm a patient gardener.
> Edrena
Well, I broke out the cofffee liqquor. I checked the recipet and it
was evverclear
was to be useded or vodka, but straight grain spirits recommendedde. I
made a
russion: coffee liquor and milk and ice. Just one shott of liquot. Boy
strong. Also a sharp finish on the everclear. May try something with
brandy nextime
or bourbon.
Edrena. Glad I'm at home.