Was: White Trash Cooking
"jmcquown" > wrote in message >. ..
> david wrote:
> > To me white trash is a horrible horrible phrase. And not from a race
> > point of view - couldn't give a hoot about that - but from a "class"
> > point of view. In Australia we call poor people "battlers", and we
> > try and help them. Even the phrase "White trash" to me, says a lot
> > about America. What do Americans think about it?
> THIS American thinks of it as derogatory, exactly as ****** is derogatory.
> Jill
Why does *anyone* give a hoot about what someone else calls them,
thinks of them, says about them...etc. I really don't get it and I
must be one of the few who doesn't and doesn't care. I am secure
enough with who and what I am that whatever *you* have to say about me
(classwise, racewise, sexwise,...)makes no difference at all. I know
there are so many who do care but I cannot understand why. I love Dr.
Phil because he is one of those people that just doesn't care what you
think of him. His response to people who say they are going to stop
watching him is "use your remote control or off button".
And, I also don't understand why it is okay for a black person to
refer to another black person as a "nig*er" but don't let a white
person say it. The women on The View call each other "bitches" all the
time but I'll bet they would be offended if a strange man on the
street called them one. Dolly Parton is so secure with herself that
she calls herself "white trash" and says that there is no mistaking
that that is what she is.
I also don't understand all of the whiners on the "talk show
circuit"....I will come unglued if I hear another fat person cry about
how people in the grocery store scrutinize what is in her basket and
out of the blue make comments to her about being fat. I am 51 years
old and I am fat. I have never in my life been approached by a
stranger and given unsolicited advise about my weight. If that did
happen to me I would say something completely inappropriate and laugh.
Then I would say something like "who are you? you must be famous and I
just don't recognize you" then laugh some more. If anyone has
scrutinized the contents of my basket I have never noticed it.
End of rant...thank you.
The Heap